Friday, November 21, 2008

One Contraction Down....

....Many more to come!!
Yesterday was my 37 week check-up at the doctor's office. While driving there, I experienced the most PAINFUL side cramp EVER!! I really thought I wasn't going to be able to get out of the car and walk into the office. But I managed to get myself there and walk in and tell the receptionist that I had the most painful feeling in my side. She looked at me like I was nuts and this was normal. She then asked me if I had an appointment. (No lady...I thought my best bet was to drive straight here with my pain.) She then proceeded to spend 5 minutes (it felt like 5) to find the nurse and the doctor and then come back and tell me to take a seat and wait, they should be with me shortly! I know I still have 2 more weeks (13 days to be exact!) and I know that I am not the only pregnant lady to feel this pain but they obviously don't know me and pain. Well the pain went away by the time the doctor came in, I haven't dilated anymore and was sent on my way. On the way out he said, call me if you feel anymore of those! I replied, "Oh I will be calling you, don't you worry!" Ugh! I should have just scheduled this C-Section earlier! She would eventually learn to deal with sharing a birthday with Thanksgiving every 10 years or so! :o)

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