Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's only Day Four of blogging and I already ran out of things to blog about!! So sad. It doesn't help when you get home from work at 5 and then fall asleep at 7. That doesn't leave much time for anything exciting to happen to two tired people.
We went to the doctor yesterday, had our 10 minute appointment where you pee in the tiny cup, they take your blood pressure, hear the heart beat, ask "any questions?" and then you are on your way out. Starting next week, I start weekly appointments...wahoo! Rylee's heartbeat was 140 beats per minute..."she's still cooking" in there as Paul likes to say.
If only I could blog about parent/teacher conferences....that could be entertainment right there!!! 8 down...18 more to go! Oh how I wish I could drink during these days! :o)


Colleen said...

I HATE parent/teacher conferences!! Today, I am going to be thankful for being a stay at home mom so that I no longer have to do that, THANK YOU for reminding me.

You should really get out and do something at night so your blog isn't so boring-HA! Go out now because you aren't going anywhere for a while once that baby comes!!!!!

Katie Thomson said...

But I thought that I could just drop off Rylee Rose at your house and you would watch her....isn't that how this whole thing works?!?

Colleen said...


I will watch Rylee as often as you have watched my kids!!

Katie Thomson said...

Well that means I am good for at least 5-8 weekends!! WAHOO! :o)

Colleen said...

RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe 5-8 hours!