Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Baby!

A new Baby Dolly for Rylee that is! Baby Lucy is what we call her. She is the Cabbage Patch Doll that my mom got her for Christmas last year. Finally out of the box and she just LOVES it. Her name is Rylie Lucille so we went with Lucy! :o)

So there is a post below this one for technically I cheated a little but I still have a post for everyday in November! I was only one day off so it's not too bad.

There is a new header picture...not the greatest considering Paul is laying in the background but I will be changing it again soon anyway. I was just so annoyed with the Halloween, non-matching one that I wanted something different. Her eyes are SO SUPER blue!

I am off to the Phoenix Boys' Choir Gala tonight so I am sure I will have a post for tomorrow. :o) Have a good weekend everyone...what's left anyway!

And by the way...the Rylie spelling is highlighted by spell checker too!

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