Friday, January 9, 2009

The Many Faces and Thoughts of Rylee Rose

"I wonder what is going to be for dinner?"

"Well I guess I will take a nap until Mommy gets it ready! I have had a hard day being so cute!"

"This is how I went into the car seat."

"This is how Mommy found me after our drive home. All the way from the Parise household. That's FAR!"

"Mommy thinks it's fun to take pictures of me while I am pooping. I don't find it quite as amuzing."

"Yay! I am so happy. We are going to Brio for lunch today! Something other than milk! Wahoo!"

"In this picture you can see my nevus sebacsous that I need to go to Phoenix Children's Hospital to get removed in about six months. Mommy and Daddy say that I will be fine and that afterwards I won't have a bald spot anymore. I will be brave. (Mommy says that this will be the only plastic surgery she is ever going to pay for me to get so I should be so lucky because that is one more than other people get. I wonder what she is talking about....when would I ever WANT to get plastic surgery...hmm?)"

"You would think the pictures would stop while I am sleeping at least. NO such luck!"


Lauren said...

Oh . . . What cute pictures!! I miss her! I didn't realize she was needing surgery. That must be a little worrisome??!!

I had lunch at Brio yesterday!! We should try to do lunch before you go back to work. I bet time is flying by for you! Once you have kids, you find yourself asking, "Where did the time go?"

Katie Thomson said...

Brio was so yummy! Just loved it! We were there on Tuesday.
My time off is flying by..only 3 more weeks left and lunch would be super!
Yup. Surgery to remove her "bald" spot. I am still waiting for the referral from the pediatrician to make the appointment with the plastic surgeon. Once we have that we will know more about when she will have her surgery. SCARY!