Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And these are a few of my Favorite Things...

Well, I have a million pictures all ready for a post stored away on my camera.....but I don't have my camera and can't find the energy, the motivation or the desire to go and get the camera!! Although I will have to before Vegas this weekend! Yay! So excited and can't WAIT!

So for now...here is a list of some of my favorite things at the moment.

1. White Cheddar Cheez-Its! I have a box in my closet at school and take it with me to lunch everyday! Obsessed! Why I can't just put them in a baggie...I am not quite sure...but it's with me everyday!
2. Biter Biscuits! Yes I found them and they are a life saver when getting home with Rylee Rose and she is hungry. I am trying to feed her what we are eating for dinner and I need some time to get the dinner ready! She will sit in her highchair and chomp away at one of these for at least a couple minutes to buy me some time to get the dinner started and cooking!
3. Sunbeam timer! We are in testing week at school and I swear the kids would be getting hours to work on each test if it wasn't for this thing! LOVE it! The clock is behind me while sitting at my desk and I have LOTS of grading papers to catch up on so I can definitely loose track of time!
4. Etsy.com! I have been busy planning away our fall/winter! (Whatever seasons we have here in Arizona!) Halloween costumes, birthday outfits, Christmas presents galore! October through December ALWAYS seems to be the busiest three months of our lives and I like to be prepared! I am a planner and always start early! Yes, I have ordered her Halloween costume already and yes, it is from Etsy! SOO cute!
5. Advil! Testing week, construction starting at school, and planning overload= major headache! Only more to come I am sure! Progress Reports, Festival at school, and Fourth Grade Sunday Mass. OMG....OVERLOAD!!! I think I see a break in my calendar around January....

6. Dr. Brown Sippy Cups! Rylee Rose loves these! I am a big fan of Dr. Brown and love the products. BPA free EVERYTHING!
7. Snickers Ice Cream Bars! LOVE them. It's kinda weird too because I am not a fan of the regular Snickers but you add some delicious ice cream to it....YUM!
8. Sharpie Pen! I have always been a fan of ALL sharpies....but we can't get any better or thinner than the pen version! LOVE it! I have school boxes filled with all the kinds of sharpies in my desk and school and home! Don't leave home without one! :o)

9.Reality TV! Big Brother is over (YAY for Jordan winning!) but I am not too sad since the new season of the Hills starts (Tues. Sept. 29) and so does a new season of Amazing Race(Sun. Sept.27)!! At what age will I actually stop watching these shows?

10. Fajitas! Cooking them at home, eating them at Chili's, or better yet....at actual Fajitas!! There is a restaurant in Phoenix that is called Fajitas and has the BEST fajitas. Our school is having a fundraiser on Monday in which 15% of your bill goes to my school! Umm....yes I will be there! And hopefully you can be too!! Let me know if you want to come too! (You need a flyer so text me or leave a comment and I will bring you one!)


Karissa said...

How are you gonna leave us hanging on the halloween costume?! Which one did you go with?!

Love biter biscuits, don't love the mess :)


Katie Thomson said...

I am going to leave you hanging. But I promise as soon as I get all the pieces...I will take a picture! I won't leave you hanging until Halloween! :o)

Katie Thomson said...

I did have to go back and check your blog Karissa before I could add, it is not one that you posted about....but dang some of those are cute too! Shoot...did I make the right choice!?! OH NO....